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Email and prohibited behavior

All email messages sent with the System must contain “unsubscribe” link that will allow subscribers to remove themselves from receiving further email messages. User will guarantee that he will not hide, deactivate, or delete “unsubscribe” link from email message.

User is responsible for updating email lists and removing addresses of people who opted-out of receiving further email messages.

If the Company identifies that the level of unsolicited email messages has exceeded market standards, it may block or remove the User account from the System.

Ask for permissions

We have a zero-tolerance spam policy. User understands that his account may be blocked, or deleted for sending unsolicited email messages. It means that all subscribers must agree on receiving messages from the User (the sender).

If you are not sure that the subscribers agreed to receive email messages, do not import or enter their data into the System.

We act according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and US CAN-SPAM Act that describes rules for sending commercial emails. The main points are:

  1. It is not allowed to use misleading header information. Information in “reply” and “from” fields must be actual and valid and must identify the person or business who sent an email.
  2. It is not allowed to use misleading email subjects. Email subject can’t mislead recipients regarding message content.
  3. Each email message should contain a clear description how recipient can opt-out of receiving further emails. User needs to include a return email address or another method that will enable recipients to opt-out of receiving further email messages. Method should enable recipient to be able to opt-out within 30 days. User needs to stop sending email messages within 10 business days.
  4. Each email must contain a valid postal address. Each email message should contain an actual and valid postal address.

Spam and abuse reporting

If you suspect that the System has been used to send SPAM please let us know promptly on email [email protected], we will take necessary actions.

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