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Ankiety AI

We have implemented mechanisms based on artificial intelligence (AI) and individual survey links. We have also introduced a number of smaller changes, including metric piping. Check SurveyLab v 32.8.1.

  • Automatic AI translations
  • Custom survey links
  • Metric piping
  • Other changes and improvements

Automatic AI translations

Do you create surveys in multiple languages? We will translate them for you into any language.

Artificial intelligence and large language models are changing the way we work. They improve the work of programmers, graphic designers, translators, and customer support teams. We have implemented Chat GPT-4 to make it easy to translate your surveys into any language. Just activate the function and select the language. The survey will be translated automatically.

NOTE. To translate the survey, we transfer only survey content to Chat GPT-4, it is the questions and descriptive elements.

* Functionality is available in the Enterprise plan.

Custom survey links

We have added functionality that allows you to set up a custom survey link. Thanks to this, you can set your own survey link containing the name of the study, project, brand, or company.

NOTE. The survey collector link must be unique. This means you cannot create two links with the same name.

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.

Metric piping

We have updated piping (data inserting) with the ability to transfer metric values to the report. The prepared solution gives completely new possibilities in building reports and presenting results. This makes dynamic content creation much easier. Just enter the metric code, e.g. {M1}, and the system will display the calculated metric value in the report.

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.

Other changes and improvements

We have introduced a number of minor changes and improvements. We have added the ability to manage survey opt-outs by the respondent. We’ve added the ability to select a survey theme directly on the theme edit screen. We have added information about the number of API queries used. We also improved some translations and added a few SEO and accessibility adjustments.

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