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Some of you may be wondering how intercept surveys can help grow your business. Get inspired by the ideas below. The research will help you reach meaningful information for optimizing your website and offer.

Get to know your customers well

Collect demographic information about your website visitors. This basic data will help you create a more accurate customer profile and better adjust your offer as well as website content.

Control the experience of your website visitors

Ask the visitors to rate your service or landing page. Request feedback regarding the content, colors, or layout.

Test customer loyalty

Try the NPS methodology and ask the users if they would recommend your service to friends or colleagues. It’s an easy and effective way to measure customer loyalty and compare yourself with the competition.

Keep track of customer satisfaction

Ask those who come back to your website how they rate their latest purchase, your customer service or brand, and the company in general.

Improve your website conversion

If you run e-commerce your goal is to convert website visitors into customers or registered service users. So you probably track them as they go from the main page to the registration. But do you know what made them decide to register or buy your products? Ask them! The results will help you design an effective strategy to further increase conversion.

Find out why customers abandon their shopping carts

There are many possible e-shop cart abandonment reasons such as pricey shipping costs (e.g., due to lack of a YMS), better competitors’ offers, insufficient payment options, or complicated website navigation. Find out which reasons are true for your customers by showing them survey invitations as they leave the shopping cart. Don’t make the same mistakes twice and minimize the number of unfinished transactions.

Streamline your payment process

Do you want the shopping process in your e-shop to be smooth and effortless? Automatically launch surveys rating the transactions once they’re finished. Set alerts that will inform your staff about possible errors or negative customer experiences.

Adjust your offer

You’re expanding the offer and introducing new products and would like to know if your customers like them. Ask people who come across them on your website about their opinion. Optimize your offer as you go.

Invite visitors to sign-up for your newsletter

Use intercept surveys to expand the list of your newsletter readers. Automatically show the invitation with the sign-up form when they browse through interesting content on your website to find more prospects and to work as a lead qualification tool.

Optimize your blog content

Are you in charge of the edition of the company’s blog? Remember to provide valuable content for your readers. Ask them if they find your posts useful and attractive in order to better adjust to their preferences.

Want to use intercept surveys on your website? Ask SurveyLab

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