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Wprowadziliśmy opłaty za konta PRO

We are very pleased to inform you that we introduced payments for PRO Plans in SurveyLab system. Introduced changes will apply only to PRO accounts. FREE accounts will remain free of charge and available for all users.

This is a very important moment for us. Thanks to payment for the PRO accounts we will be able to :

  • Offer even better functionality & support.
  • Make SurveyLab even better fit your needs.

The payment system we have introduced is the most flexible and advanced solution on the market. You decide :

  • How long subscription do you need (you can choose between 1 – 24 months of subscription).
  • How many responses do you need (just choose needed number of answers, there are no limits).
Select online survey plan

Remember. The more you use SurveyLab, the cheaper it becomes. Don’t wait! Upgrade to the PRO Plan now, and help us grow.

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