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Ankiety Facebook

Facebook is a community of over 750 M users all over the world, including over 6.5 M users in Poland. It means that a large part of your clients already have an account in the most popular community service.

Facebook surveys

Facebook surveys can help you quickly and easily reach targeted audience. You can use mysurveylab to conduct :

  • Customer satisfaction surveys. Ask your customers and fans how satisfied they are with your products, services, or customer care.
  • Customer feedback surveys. Ask your clients and fans what they think about your Facebook page.
  • Measure brand awareness. Ask your clients and fans what they think about new ad campaign of your company.
  • Get friend feedback. Ask your friends where to organize your next party.

Customer behaviors and habits change over time. In the same way should change communication with your clients. That also includes satisfaction surveys, opinions, and feedback collection. Facebook should be treated as another communication channel with your clients, equal to email, web, or SMS.

SurveyLab online surveys advantages

  • Easy-to-use online survey tool.
  • Thanks to survey collectors, you will be able to match and compare responses coming from different sources (email, Facebook, Twitter, web, …).
  • Reach analytical capabilities (data filters, time filters, report clones, data export).

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