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Ankiety i testy dla Uniwersytetów

You need 1000 users. No problem. We have implemented a solution that allows you to manage a large number of accounts and takes care of users’ privacy. Meet SurveyLab 31.1.3.

The challenges facing universities are in most cases different than those faced by companies and organizations of various sizes. In the case of the University, it is a large number of users working on various projects independently. Organizations are focused on resource sharing, universities on privacy, and independent teams.

  • User management
  • Updated on-demand reports
  • Updated API
  • Other changes and improvements

User management

We’ve taken user management and privacy to a new level. Now the account administrator can do much more. Now, it is possible to manage data privacy within the account, thanks to which you can decide whether users will share resources (like files, contacts, notifications, or dashboards) within the account or not.

Zarządzanie użytkownikami
  • We added information about logged users.
  • We added information about the author of the survey.
  • We added the ability to search a list of users.
  • We added the ability to select multiple users and delete them with one click.
  • We added the ability to change the Owner of the account.
  • We added the ability to select a minimum role required to access Contacts, Notifications, and Dashboards.
  • The ability to manage access rights to Dashboards.
  • The ability to edit custom fields is now only available to Administrators.
  • The ability to select online drive access mode – private / shared.

* Functionality is available for Professional and Enterprise accounts.

Updated on-demand reports

We added support for logic and piping in on-demand reports. Thanks to this, you can hide selected questions in the report or personalize the presented content.

* Functionality is available for Enterprise accounts.

Updated API

We have updated the API with a mechanism that allows you to manage access to surveys. Now you can add the user who will have access to the REST API and SFTP, and then from the level of the user management module, you can decide which surveys will be available via the API.

* Functionality is available for Enterprise accounts.

Other changes and improvements

We’ve made a number of smaller fixes and improvements. We added a new language – Kazakh. We have added the ability to filter data by Custom Response Keys (CRK). We have improved the functionality of editing survey invitation messages. We added information about the question code to the export files. We have added information about tags assigned to a contact to contacts export. We added support for the Montserrat font.

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