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How to show time and date on survey end

To show time and date on the survey end use one of the parameters and place them in the survey end page communicate.

To edit survey end communicate :

  1. Press [E] DESIGN button.
    Survey list
  2. Press Languages button.
  3. Add language and press [E] EDIT button.
    Add language
  4. Select COLLECTOR.
  5. Modify “Thank you for completing the survey.” and add a time parameter. For example “Your survey has been saved on {surveyEndDateTime}.”

You can use the following parameters on the survey / test end page.

{surveyEndDate}Survey completion date.
{surveyStartDate}Survey start date.
{surveyEndDateTime} Survey completion date and time.
{surveyStartDateTime} Survey start date and time.

* Functionality is available for the Advanced, Professional, and Enterprise plan.