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Lepsze raporty i logika ankiet

We have improved reports and survey logic. In the new version of SurveyLab (26.5.2), you will find radar charts, point-based logic, and improved 360 reports.

  • Reports sharing
  • Radar charts
  • Point-based logic
  • Multilingual 360 reports
  • Other changes and improvements

Reports sharing

Now you can share survey reports with people who do not have an account in SurveyLab. Just copy the report link and send it. Fast and safe. If you suspect that your report link has been compromised, reset it. The system will generate a new link and block the old one.

wykres radarowy

Radar charts

We have added the ability to create radar charts based on gauges. Thanks to this, you can easily compare several measures on one chart and gain completely new possibilities of data analysis.

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.

Point-based logic

Now you can build your survey logic based on points. The functionality allows you to build advanced surveys and tests in which the next question or page will be displayed only if the respondent scores a certain number of points.

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plans.

Multilingual 360 reports

We have made a number of improvements to 360 reports. We have added multi-language support. We also improved the piping (text inserting) for 360-degree surveys.

* Functionality is available in the Enterprise plan.

Other changes and improvements

We have standardized the icons used in the application. We have added support for Numeric or slider question to metrics. We improved the survey invitation message editing view. We have updated survey report statistics. We have added an example numerical test template. We’ve also made a number of smaller changes and improvements.

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