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Collector options

Collectors allow you to collect responses for a survey. Each survey can have any number of collectors with individual settings. You just need to enter the collector title. All other parameters have been predefined for you for easy change and setup.

For each created collector you can define how the responses will be collected.


Set the survey distribution method

  1. URL Link. Select this option if you want to collect responses through a web link (URL), Facebook, pop-up, or QR Code.
  2. Email / SMS invitations. Select this option if you want to send a survey invitation directly from the system, as an email, SMS, or email-embedded survey.
  3. 360 feedback. Select this option if you want to conduct 360 surveys.
  4. Widget. Select this option to collect responses on your website.
  5. Mobile app. Select this option to collect data offline with a mobile app.
  6. Buy responses. Buy a dedicated sample with our online survey panel.

NOTE. SMS length is limited to 160 characters and if you use special national characters (eg. special characters for languages like Polish, Czech, …) it may be limited to 70 characters. It is the SMS standard limitation. It means that your message will be divided into parts and the cost to send such a message will be higher. However, on your respondent device, it may be visible as a single message.

Survey behavior after completion

  1. Jump to website. After survey completion, a respondent will be automatically redirected to a selected website. For example https://www.surveylab.com
  2. Display the report. After survey completion system will automatically display a report with survey results.
  3. Start new response. After survey completion, a respondent will be automatically redirected to the first page of the survey.
  4. Display contest code. The system will generate and display contest code on the survey end.
  5. Display Thank you page. The system will display a thank you page on survey end.


In this section, you will find advanced survey settings. If you are not sure how to set up certain options, leave default settings.


Survey thank you page. Check boxSet a thank you page that will be displayed on the survey end.


Multiple responses per respondent.Check boxDecide if the respondent will be able to complete survey only once or multiple times (multiple responses per one survey, useful for kiosk surveys, survey stands, or computer labs).
Block going back to previous page.Check boxDecide if the respondent will be able to go back to the previous page of the survey.
Edit collected responses.Check boxAllow respondents to edit collected responses. Respondents will be able to reopen survey using the invitation link and correct it.
Display SAVE LINK button.Check boxDisplay SAVE LINK button in the survey that will allow to save survey progress at any moment and copy survey link. Respondents can use the link to open survey again on the same or any other device.
Survey available from.Date and timeDefine date and time survey is available from.
Survey available until.Date and timeDefine date and time survey is available to. After this point survey will be automatically closed.
Repeat survey every.Select boxAllows you to repeat the survey every X months.
Include GPS data.Check boxAllows you to save GPS data of the respondent’s mobile device. Requires respondent consent and GPS data turned on.


Set up restrictions and limitations for your survey.

Survey link validity.DaysDefine how many days survey link will be valid. Default value is 14 days.
Total responses limit. IntegerDefine max. allowed number of responses for a survey.
Quota full (URL). URLSet URL redirection for quota full.
Early screen-out (URL). URLSet URL redirection for the respondents that don’t meet the sample selection criteria.
Set time limit for. Select boxSet a time limit for the whole survey or each page. Timer will be displayed in the top right corner of the survey.
Time to complete (min). MinutesSet a time allowed to complete a survey.
Restrict navigation out of survey. Select boxCheck if the respondent is not leaving the survey and display a message or block a survey.


Set up survey widget.

Close widget on survey end.Check boxClose the widget automatically on the survey end.
Display widget each X visits.Select boxDisplay widget to every visitor or just to a selected percentage of visitors.


Secure your survey with a password or token.

Password. Check boxSecure survey access with a password. Same for all respondents.
Access with a token.Check boxSecure survey access with a token. Different for each respondent.
IP Filter. Select boxLimit or allow access to a survey for selected IP addresses. NOTE. To enter the IP range use the following entry example


Response Key.Select boxAllow external applications (for example CRM, eShop, Portal) to manage the way survey responses are collected.
Synerise API token.InputToken for integration with Synerise marketing automation platform.

* Response Key feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.