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Email / SMS invitations

This method allows you to send survey invitations directly from the system via Email or SMS. Each survey invitation has a unique token that allows you to track and identify responses.
Email / SMS
In order to set up and send survey invitations :

  1. Press + ADD COLLECTOR button to add a new collector.
    Add collector
  2. Select Email / SMS invitations collector type and press SAVE button.
  3. Go to the Invitations tab and press EDIT button to edit the survey invitation message.
    Email invitation
  4. Add survey reminders and activate them.
  5. Go to the Respondents tab and press + ADD CONTACTS button to add respondents.
    Add contact
  6. Select import method.
    Add contacts
  7. Press Collecting responses / > Collector inactive button.
  8. Survey invitations will be sent according to the Invitations settings.

Download contacts templates

Survey | Contacts template (Google Docs)[D] Download
Survey | Contacts template (Excel)[D] Download

Survey collector statuses

SentSurvey invitation has been sent.
OpenedSurvey invitation has been received and opened by the respondent. In the report, you will see View status for this.
ClosedSurvey has been completed. In the report, you will see the Response status for this.
QuarantineRespondent has been put on quarantine. Until quarantine is finished no additional invitations will be sent to the respondent.
Opt-outRespondent opted out of further SurveyLab communication.
Hard bounceContact doesn’t exist.
ErrorError status. Respondent didn’t receive a survey invitation.

NOTE. The collector must be Enabled, in order to collect survey responses.

Resend survey invitation

To manually resend survey invitation :

  1. Go to Respondents tab.
  2. Press [R] Resend survey button.

NOTE. To prevent spam, we are blocking resend button for 24 h after it is used.