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What functionalities does Starter account have?

Starter plan has rich features, including advanced question logic, multi-language surveys, data export, filters, and survey branding. This is the ideal choice to start work SurveyLab.

Mobile surveys

  • smartphone surveys
  • tablet surveys
  • pc / laptop surveys

Survey Creation

  • unlimited surveys
  • unlimited questions in a survey
  • unlimited contacts
  • 1000 responses / month
  • 21 question types
  • survey completion progress bar
  • “thank you” page
  • advanced question logic (branching)
  • required questions
  • custom redirection after survey completion
  • ability to create survey copy
  • ability to copy survey to another account
  • random answer choices
  • question rotation
  • page rotation
  • piping

Survey questions

  • Single choice question
  • Multiple choice question
  • Matrix question
  • Open-ended question
  • NPS question
  • Time, date question
  • Text, Image, Video

Multi-language support

  • any language support (Unicode)
  • right-to-left (RTL) language support
  • multi-language surveys


  • survey themes (10 ready to use survey themes)
  • redirection after survey completion
  • ability to add logo

Collect responses

  • collect responses by www
  • collect responses by email
  • collect responses by popup
  • collect responses by web widget
  • limit number of responses in a survey
  • limit time of a survey
  • protect survey with a password
  • limit access to a survey for selected IP addresses
  • survey invitation text formatting
  • mailing from any account (SMTP)
  • custom response Key
  • enhanced security (SSL / HTTPS support)

Reports and data analysis

  • graphical reports
  • real-time results
  • data filters
  • report filters
  • share survey responses with a web link (URL)
  • copy reports (1 copy)
  • crosstab reports
  • trends

Survey data export

  • survey data export to CSV
  • summary report export
  • any code page support
  • survey data export to XLSX
  • survey data export to SPSS
  • survey data export to PowerPoint

Multi-user features

  • group work (multi-user accounts)
  • event log

White label surveys

  • multi-domain support
  • hide survey footer

Customer support

  • www support


  • password protection

Professional services

  • on-demand development
  • survey scripting
  • survey translation