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User interface

This document describes the main user interface elements of the SurveyLab application. The user interface is available in Polish and English languages. You can change your working language anytime in account [S] Settings. Surveys can be created in any language including right-to-left written languages like Arabic or Hebrew.

On each page, you will find a navigation bar informing where you currently are and making it easier to return to the previous page.

Main menu elements description :

  1. Dashboard – custom reports for your surveys. Dashboards allow you to mix data from different surveys on a single workspace.
  2. Survey list – on this page you will find all your surveys and tests.
  3. Contacts – here you will find the list of your contacts (respondents). Contacts are used when you collect responses by our mailing system. This feature also allows you to track responses and match completed surveys with particular respondents.
  4. Settings – here you can manage your account, change a password, update invoice data, or change preferences.
  5. Help – help files and answers to frequently asked questions.

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