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SurveyLab works with any survey panel. Thanks to the “Response Key” mechanism system can identify respondents and thanks to screening parameters it knows who has completed the survey and who hasn’t met the selection criteria.

SurveyLab and the panel exchange only information about the “Response Key”, so respondent data is always secure and confidential.

Available screening parameters :

  • Complete – survey completed. Standard and full survey completion. Works when the respondent presses the “Finish survey” button.
  • Screen-out – respondent hasn’t met selection criteria. Works when the respondent selects the answer choice connected to the “Finish survey” logic.
  • Quota-full – research completed. Redirection works when a required number of responses is collected.

All redirection parameters can have individual survey completion link (URL).

NOTE. The system counts screen-outs as completed surveys. Therefore we recommend that you track the survey progress and update the quota as your project advances.