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Integration with Google Drive

SurveyLab provides Google Drive integration. This way you can automatically synchronize collected data for selected surveys with your Google Drive.

To integrate with Google Drive :

  1. Go to account Settings.
  2. Go to Integrations.
  3. Press CONNECT WITH GOOGLE button.
    Google Drive

NOTE. You can connect your SurveyLab account only with one Google account.

To disconnect, press DISCONNECT button.

Select survey you will synchronize :

  1. Go to survey report.
  2. Press Download report button.
    Download report
  3. Press SETUP button.
  4. Select Synchronize with Google Drive.

Data will appear in your main Google Drive folder.

NOTE. Data for selected surveys are synchronized automatically always as a new response is collected. For surveys with less than 10,000 responses, data is synchronized in a real-time. For surveys with more responses, there is a small delay.

* Functionality is available in the Enterprise plan.