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With SurveyLab you can work in a team on your surveys and tests. Moreover, you can decide who can do what in a system by granting account users with different roles and access rights. Each user will have own login and role.

Create user

To create a new account :

  1. Go to account S Settings and then Users.
  2. Press + ADD USER button.
    Add userAdd new user
  3. Enter new user data and press SAVE button.

Manage users

You can manage user roles and user access rights for selected surveys.

To manage user account settings :

  1. Go to account Settings and then Users.
  2. Press [E] EDIT button to manage user role and contact information.
  3. Press [K] ACCESS button to manage access rights for selected surveys and dashboards.
  4. Press [D] DELETE button to delete user.

NOTE. You can download a list of users with the basic statistics for each user. To do it press Download button.

Share surveys

Survey sharing can be managed by the account administrator or by each survey author (owner).

Account administrator

If you are an account administrator please follow the steps :

  1. Go to account Settings and then Users.
  2. Select user that you would like to manage and press [A] ACCESS button.
  3. Select to which surveys, tags, or dashboards user should have access.

Survey author

If you are a survey author please follow the steps :

  1. Go to survey design.
  2. Press [S] Share button.
  3. Select users that should have access to the survey.

Manage API / SFTP access rights

You can add an additional user that will allow you to manage access rights for REST API and SFTP.

To do it :

  1. Go to the account Settings and then Users.
  2. Press [E] EDIT button.
  3. Select API / SFTP access.
    SFTP Access
  4. Press SAVE button.

NOTE. There can be only one user with the Owner role. When you delete any user from the account all surveys created by this user will be transferred to the Owner account.

Available user roles :

Owner.Full control over the system account. Account owner.
Administrator.Full control over the system account.
Manager.Ability to manage collectors, edit surveys, and view reports.
Editor.Ability to view reports and edit surveys.
Pollster.Ability to take surveys (Mobile app collector) after logging into the system.
Viewer.Ability to view reports and surveys.
Blocked.Account still exists in the system, but access is restricted.

The table below summarizes the main privileges for each role.

 Owner / AdminManagerEditorViewerPollsterBlocked
Preview surveys+++x
Create, edit, and delete surveys+++
Create a collector++
Take surveys (Mobile app collector)+++++
Preview reports+++x
Share and export results+x
Add and manage custom fieldsx
Add users, edit roles, and access rights+

NOTE. If you remove the user, all surveys created by that user will be transferred to the Owner account. All dashboards created by the user will be deleted.

* Functionality is available in the Professional and Enterprise plan.