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Export results

The export function allows you to download data in a selected format. The system provides both aggregated data formats and row data (each response is provided in a separate line).

In order to export survey results :

  1. Press [D] Download button.
  2. Select the format for the data export.
    Export data
  3. [Optionally] Go to the SETUP tab and select which columns will be exported and the coding standard.

You can download data in the following formats :

FormatMin. subscription planComments
.csvStarterComma Separated Values. Text file where values are separated with a comma or semicolon.
.xlsxAdvancedMS Excel file (version 2007 and newer).
.porAdvancedSPSS file.
.savAdvancedSPSS file.
.pptxProfessionalMS PowerPoint file.


-77Code for seen but omitted questions
-78Code for not seen and omitted questions
0Code for empty values in multi-choice questions

NOTE. Export files are updated in real-time for surveys below 10.000 responses or close to real-time for larger surveys.

NOTE. Each zip exported from SurveyLab contains flattened files. It means that the file doesn’t contain ENTER characters which may cause problems with proper data import into MS Excel or SPSS.

Depending on Account Settings, data in export files can have one of the following formats  DD-MM-YYYY, MM-DD-YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, where DD – means day, MM – month, and YYYY – year.

Partial results

Partial results are results for the abandoned surveys. We save data each time a respondent navigates to the next page. In the final report, you will see only fully completed surveys. On request, you can also have access to partially completed surveys.

If you have partial results functionality activated, then in the raw data export folder you will find four files instead of two. Two additional files contain partial data results for surveys that have not been finished.

reportSurvey results data.
report compactSurvey results data. Single-choice questions are presented in a single column.
report partialPartial survey results data.
report compact partialPartial survey results data. Single-choice questions are presented in a single column.

* Partial data functionality is available in the Enterprise plan. To activate partial results on your data export please contact us.

NOTE. Old MS Excel versions can have problems with the import of long surveys. Excel 97, 2000, 2003 (file extension .xls), have a limit of 65.536 rows, 256 columns. Excel 2007 or later (file extension .xlsx), has a limit of 1.048.576 rows, 16.384 columns.

* Data export option will be different for each subscription plan.