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Measures of central tendency
Jakub Wierusz
16 Aug 2012

Measures of central tendency

Measures of central tendency (averages) – a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying “the central position” within that set of data. Central position can be defined in many ways therefore we have many averages.

Standard deviation
Jakub Wierusz
10 Aug 2012

Standard deviation

Standard deviation (represented by the symbol σ) shows how much variation or "dispersion" exists from the average (mean, or expected value).

Online survey templates
Jakub Wierusz
03 Aug 2012

Online survey templates

To help you get started with your online surveys we created new survey examples page. On the page you will find ready to use examples of surveys, questionnaires, polls, forms, and tests.

Quantitative and qualitative surveys
Jakub Wierusz
30 Jun 2012

Quantitative and qualitative surveys

Researchers and analytics often talk about quantitative research and qualitative research. In this article you will find description of both terms, difference explanation and usage examples for each type of survey research.

Twitter online surveys
Jakub Wierusz
26 Jun 2012

Twitter online surveys

Twitter is one of the fastest growing online communities. More often it is used as a communication channel with clients, sales channel and customer support channel. It is also great resource to learn about your customers (their opinions, preferences, expectations) and conduct online surveys.

Right scale selection for online survey
Jakub Wierusz
21 Jun 2012

Right scale selection for online survey

Are you wondering what scale you should use for your online survey? Below you will find a few examples of different scales that may be used in your surveys.

Likert scale in surveys and market research
Jakub Wierusz
18 Jun 2012

Likert scale in surveys and market research

Likert scale was introduced to survey research in 1930. Scale name comes from Rensis Likert (1903 – 1981), an American psychologist, educator, and sociologist. It is a bipolar scale with interval-levels that measure respondent attitudes and opinions.

Best online survey tool
Jakub Wierusz
15 Jun 2012

Best online survey tool

Are you searching for the best online survey tool? You found the right one – it is SurveyLab. You will love our easy-to-use survey software, multi-language surveys, branding, results export, and great user support.

Faster online surveys
Jakub Wierusz
31 May 2012

Faster online surveys

SurveyLab 6.0 is ready. This time changes include mostly elements that are not visible to users – framework and engine of our online survey tool. This will allow mysurveylab to work faster and stay up-to-date with the latest technology.

ISO 9001 – Customer satisfaction
Jakub Wierusz
21 May 2012

ISO 9001 – Customer satisfaction

In ISO 9001 quality standard customer satisfaction and satisfaction measurement tools play very important role. Quality Management System implementation and “Plan, Do, Check, Act” structure introduced by ISO 9001 ensures that client needs will be taken into consideration and properly addressed.

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