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Surveys powered by AI
Jakub Wierusz
25 Sep 2019

Surveys powered by AI

We are introducing another set of the changes (No. 27.17.2) and we are taking the first step towards surveys driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence).

360 surveys. How to plan & conduct survey project.
Jakub Wierusz
03 Sep 2019

360 surveys. How to plan & conduct survey project.

How to conduct a 360 survey project. We have prepared a complete guide for 360-degree feedback for you. This article will help you successfully prepare and conduct research in your organization in five easy steps.

360 Feedback. We are improving our survey tool.
Jakub Wierusz
27 Aug 2019

360 Feedback. We are improving our survey tool.

We are happy to present a new tool that supports 360 Feedback surveys (version 21.12.1). Among the changes, you will find a mini-panel for 360 survey participants and improved PDF reports.

New question types. Stars. Hearts. Faces.
Jakub Wierusz
22 Jul 2019

New question types. Stars. Hearts. Faces.

New types of questions, new integration mechanisms, and improvement of available functionalities. See what’s new for you at SurveyLab for the summer holidays.

5 ways to increase online sales
Jakub Wierusz
15 Jul 2019

5 ways to increase online sales

No matter what business you are in, sales is one of the most difficult tasks you will have to face, including the one you will run online. We have 5 proven ways to increase your sales and profits.

15 key metrics for your business
Jakub Wierusz
26 Jun 2019

15 key metrics for your business

If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Improve It (William Thomson, lord Kelvin). If you run a business, you should measure the effects of your actions. Check 15 key metrics for your business.

20 new survey tempates
Jakub Wierusz
17 Jun 2019

20 new survey tempates

20 new survey templates, video tutorials, stars in NPS questions, a new form for creating collectors, and other small changes and improvements. We are introducing SurveyLab 21.5. Check what has changed for you.

15 questions for onboarding surveys
Jakub Wierusz
12 Jun 2019

15 questions for onboarding surveys

In a dynamically changing world, the study of the effectiveness of the onboarding process of new employees becomes a standard and even a must for every company. The adaptation process affects not only the satisfaction but also the productivity of the new employee.

25 popular questions, to better understand your customers and market
Jakub Wierusz
30 May 2019

25 popular questions, to better understand your customers and market

Nowadays, marketing and sales are data driven. Almost every decision requires analysis and in-depth knowledge of the market, customers and competition. On the other hand, the flood of information can overwhelm. Below you will find 25 questions that will help you work better basing on the knowledge, build effective strategies, and make the right decisions.

Create Survey with drag & drop interface
Jakub Wierusz
09 May 2019

Create Survey with drag & drop interface

It is spring time and we are changing for you. The new version of MySurveyLab (21.1) is now available. Among the changes you will find a completely new survey editor with a drag and drop mechanism, the possibility of editing active surveys and updated carry forward question.

25 most popular employee engagement questions
Jakub Wierusz
09 May 2019

25 most popular employee engagement questions

The company’s success depends largely on the employees. A survey conducted by AON shows that the increase in employee engagement by 5 points translates into a 3% revenues increase.* AON Employee Engagement Report, 2018

25 most popular customer experience questions
Jakub Wierusz
17 Apr 2019

25 most popular customer experience questions

Your customers expect a perfect experience with your brand or company. This means that the customer experience at every touch point with your organization (offer, sale, delivery, service) must be at the highest level.

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