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Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023


Dashboards enable you to create custom reports with ... 

Star rating
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Star rating

Star rating (or rating) question. Provided answers ... 

Yes / No
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Yes / No

Yes / No question. Provided answers are presented ... 

Survey tokens
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Survey tokens

A token is an individual access code for your survey. ... 

Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023


Video Check our YouTube channel and learn ... 

Edit survey footer
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Edit survey footer

SurveyLab allows you to personalize your survey and ... 

User attributes
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

User attributes

This functionality allows you to automatically update ... 

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