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ISO language codes
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

ISO language codes

SurveyLab allows to set language for each ... 

Cross tab reports
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Cross tab reports

SurveyLab provides correlation and crosstab reports ... 

Upload file
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Upload file

This type of question allows the respondent to upload ... 

Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023


Piping (or text inserting, or answer memory) allows ... 

First steps
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

First steps

Did you just start your journey with SurveyLab? This ... 

Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023


You can integrate SurveyLab with any tool or software. ... 

Drag & drop
Jakub Wierusz
29 Dec 2023

Drag & drop

Drag & drop (or card sort) question allows ... 

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